Biyernes, Hulyo 25, 2014

Timber or Lumber: 6 Things About Wood That You Have to Know

If you're planning to make a beautiful house, one way of making it stand out is to use wood. Using timber in your house like decking boards makes the parts of your house glow with beauty. It can also appear in many different colours and can look good with or without paint. It doesn't only look good, it also has a lot of advantages. Here are some trivia that you have to know before you choose your timber:

1. There are maybe more than 5,000 species of wood in the market, but there are only two types of wood: first, is hardwood and the second one is softwood. Hardwood is a type of wood that can be found in deciduous trees or the type of tree which loses leaves every year and has covers wrapped in its seeds. There are different types of hardwood like mahogany, holly, maple, birch, oaks and a whole lot more. Meanwhile, softwood are conifers or gymnosperms. Their seeds don't have shells like cedar, redwood, pine, hemlock, maple and many more.

2. Majority of hardwoods all over the world contain valuable tannins, oils and resins. While these materials are of use when extracted, keeping them in your timber will shorten its lifespan. Clean them with methylated spirits and mineral turpentine before drying them.

3. If you're looking for a fine flooring material and fine wood furniture, the no. 1 timber for that is none other than maple. Maple has exquisite texture, tough and long lasting.

4. When it comes to fighting wood decay, fir is the first choice. It may not look as comely as maple but the tiny packets of wood inside are so tight and it is built to have minimal oil inside which makes it last longer. It's perfect for wooden boards, panel windows and doors.

5. If you're not planning to make a house but planning to construct a boat for your fishing expeditions, you just have to choose mahogany. It is used in making boats because of its capability to keep its shape for a long time without bending, warping, swelling or shrinking. It's an excellent choice for a condition of constant wetness.

6. The two most common killers of wood are insects and fungi. Insects burrow into wood where they make houses for their families, and sometimes create colonies inside, escalating a short term squatting into a full-fledged home invasion. Fungi are slower before it causes damage, but when it attacks, the magnitude of the destruction is as the same as with the insects.

Finding wood is a journey. For some people it can be a frustrating ride, for some, it can be a destination. Keeping your wood safe is not that hard as long as you learn a thing or two about timber and its uses.

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