Timber merchants, like UK Timber, should know a fair amount about the
products they offer. As a buyer, you should also know what kind of timber to
use for cladding, decking or raised bed projects. To help you decide which type
of timber to purchase, here are some questions you can ask timber merchants:
1. What type of wood is suitable for what I
have in mind?
There is a wide variety of timbers to choose from. For instance, Oak is perfect for decking and cladding. Ask a timber merchant to advise you on the wood that is most suitable for your construction needs. After all, there is no harm in asking the experts.
2. How long is this type of wood going to last?
One of the most important things that you should consider when purchasing a specific type of timber is its durability. Long-lasting timbers are usually more expensive than the other alternatives. Hence, if you use timber for a temporary or short-term garden accessory (i.e. raised garden bed) you might want to consider durable and cheaper wood options.
3. How do I maintain it?
Timber merchants know how to maintain different types of wood. The type of maintenance will usually depend on the type of timber. A good example is Oak flooring. This type of wood does not need water, soap and other cleaning materials for maintenance. Simply vacuum on a daily basis and give it a wax treatment every now and again. On the other hand, Pine wood, which is vulnerable to humidity and temperature, should not be placed in direct sunlight or in close proximity of radiators because it is prone to shrinking.
4. Can you recommend cheaper timber with
almost the same quality as the more expensive type?
Due to their expertise, timber merchants generally know how to compare different types of wood. For example: Maple is one of the most expensive types of wood. If you are on a budget, you can choose a cheaper alternative with almost the same quality as Maple. Some good examples include Birch, Poplar and Pine.
5. Do you custom cut timber?
Some timber merchants offer custom cutting, especially for construction projects that require exact measurements (i.e. cladding and decking). It would be of added convenience to you if the timber merchant you choose offers this type of service.
If you are looking for a timber
merchant that can answer all of these questions, contact UK Timber on +44 (0)1536 267107. Expert in all
things timber, we are always happy to help.
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